Different aspects of life

Saturday, June 04, 2005



I am immensely inspired to make an endeavor to look into the close relationship and interlink among those words’ meaning, role, impact, capability, influence on human beings.

It has been very difficult for me to disintegrate the role and influence of each element here. All are undeniably interlinked and interconnected .Hence without the presence of one element another can’t exist or make an impact on that part.

CREATION--If there is one thing on the earth that can interest and grab the attention of other human being that can be creation. As a human being we are more concerned about what we create around our place for betterment of ourselves and others and so on. Though I don’t contradict that life is discovery and exploration of oneself .But there is something which can stand out over that is CREATION of our own identity, presence, world, worth in the society. I believe we can create our own world in form of respective identity in the society rather than being destiny-feared human. I also never deny that we are fate/destiny-driven and doomed to become what we want. But there is one unnoticed truth that 80% of our life is dependant on how we respond to the situations and happenings in our life. We tend to cling on to the ordained life rather than working on creating ourselves better identity in the society. Let me shed the insight of creation much more in following topics.

CHANGE--If at all there is one word which can exist on the earth for ever and outlast human beings is that CHANGE that we can notice, create, experience, undergo in our lives. As we say philosophically let us better change ourselves before Change itself changes us for change. What a powerful and hair-raising proverb it was. In nutshell change changes change for change. Other 2 Following topics will tell one how i somewhat created my own identity and changed myself by being inspired by some energy on the spur of moment.

ATTITUDE-I like to share very very meaningful, billion worth and life-changing message by offering my due courtesy and gratitude to the person who created this for posting it here. Message consists the importance of a valuable word coined ATTITUDE.

As a human being, at the end of the day we all want one thing which is happiness. Where and How do we get it is what question arises before everyone.

A small truth to make life 100%. if A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z is equal to 1,2,3,4,5,,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26.
HARDWORK=98% [H=8, A=1, R=18, D=4, W=23, 0= 15, R=18 K=11] kNOWLEDGE=96%, LOVE=54, LUCK=47, [Don’t most of us think this is the most important???? Practically answering most of us say yesss.Then what makes 100%?? Is it MONEY?.......No!!!!!=72%. LEADERSHIP=89%.

Every problem emerges with a solution .Only if we perhaps change our ATTITUDE to go to the top to that 100%.What we really need to go further a bit more.
ATTITUDE=A=1, T=20, T=20, I=9, T=20, U=21, D=4, E=5 =100%
It is our ATTITUDE towards life and work that makes our life 100%!!!!
ATTITUDE is everything .So let us change our attitude and we change our life!!!

This is great forum to put the feelings that I experienced every since I wrote and posted my poem for first time in the life. Understandably, As I fresher and new person to new exposure .Everyone becomes quite excited and worked up to get the feedback and comments .I intentionally sent the link to most of them whomever I know and interacted closely with.

I was restlessly eager and impatiently curious to hear what they comment on my poem. Oh my goodness! It is something new exposure to me as I underwent all kinds of extremes that one can give it to others on his/her new endeavor of which I felt proud later on and which astonished and led me to question myself that is it possible and plausible to change the way we live around others and think of oneself in different perspective .As I said in previous topics, namely, change and creation. Change will not take place until and unless one tries to do the same thing differently that one is doing rather doing something differently. In the same way we need to create something for ourselves rather than waiting for something to happen for us.

Coming back to poem, there was group of people who become neutral without commenting or giving feedback to me as they thought the subject of poem was not that appealing. From their part it may be true as everyone likes to read something trendy and funny.

There was other category or people who didn’t bother to read ridiculing me and saying boldly that I wasted not only my time also their precious time by sending and asking for their feedback. Oops!!! What a ruthless and bold feedback it was.

There was yet another class of people who said that they didn’t believe that I have written that poem doubting and suspecting my ability to write the poem.Hahahaha what else compliment one can expect from others .It can’t get better than that can it? When somebody says something like u r indirectly and without knowing them get complimented and appreciated for the creative work one has done. My gratitude and special thanks to those ones as they made me special and wonderful.

There was yet another category of people who talked about me making fun of me without knowing me with others that I have gone mad doing all these and sending all these jargons. They exhibited typical human tendency and quality as I have done something illegal, unethical and unacceptable or against someone’s will. When I learnt these gossips from somebody.

There was yet another group who didn’t comment immediately as they were busy with other works surprisingly these were the people from whom I expected whatsoever kind of feedback badly as they were close to me at heart. When I asked them orally about this .They apologized for not commenting on something worth-appreciating at that moment. They whole-heartedly appreciated and encouraged. They also later on suggested me to keep it up and correct few of things in writing poem. I am really grateful and thankful to them as they appreciated my new venturous effort.

There was a yet another group of people to whom I should be grateful and convey special thanks to, as they complimented and praised my work looking at the thing positively.

Basically this is not only an effort to put across my feelings towards that situation also to shed the light on kinds and types of people with different attitude that we can find around us on the earth. I am not against anyone of them or favorable to anyone of them.

This is just to explain and describe that every human is born with some kind of unique thing called ATTITUDE. Let us work on having better attitude for the betterment of ourselves, others, mainly for living happily and more importantly making better environment for other creatures of the world and society itself.

SELF-BELIEF-This is something every one wants to get within themselves from whatever they do as early as possible for confident living in the future. Taking the real situation of mine into consideration that I explained earlier, it is classical example for role of SELF-BELIEF.I went through a situation and feeling with which I felt and questioned myself that did I do something funny/ridiculous/not acceptable?
But when I retrospected, introspected myself and realized later on that one has to believe oneself and in his/her ability which most of times we lack due to overawing and unprecedented exposure which we undergo and pass through quite often in real life as world is full of unexpected happenings.

That is how I started believing in myself and in my ability of doing something like this improving on this day by day for own betterment in that situation. I will be greatly ecstatic and delighted if someone can benefit from this and take the situation as an inspirational incident.

Note- Comments are most welcome

Professional Vs Personal life

Professional Vs Personal life

1. How can one be a professional?
According to marketing and business term, Professional is the one who is paid fairly for her/his expertise and certified qualification preferably obtained from his/her academic background rather than their actual intellectuality, experience and ability acquired.

2. What does professional behavior entail?
Professional behavior in the form of environment can be formed by an individuals-operated firm which is difficult to draw the line as employees under him/her are in small set-up and probability of changing of behavior is high and bound to happen quite often. He/She feels to be having freedom of behaving however he/she wants.Whereas as company can have set of ethical, legal...so on things in writing as it has be to followed across many places by setting standards and creating a restricted and controlled environment within company itself.

3. What is a personal relationship?
Personal relationship is the one in which all our members of personal life are involved, namely, our own close-knit family, close/distant relatives, friends, neighbors, and other personally known ones.

4. What is a professional relationship?
It can be interpreted as a relationship in which all our professionally related people involved including collogues, business people in the fraternity, customers, and other business partners…etc.

5. Are workplace friendships good or bad?
6. How does one draw a line between professional and personal relationship?
It is hard to say whether it is good and bad, as everyone has different opinion about this in their outlooks. What is good for me might be good for u. In the same way, what is comfortable in professional life might be uncomfortable to others. It is upto one to realize to what extent we need to draw the line. The line that we draw now can be erased and crossed by us only in near/long future as and when we feel that we need some more from our professional life because of extension of expectations which takes place due to many internal and external factors, namely lack of emotional support from personal life, exploration of something new and unexplored from professional, for selfish reasons.

So, as long as, we are clear and aware of our comfort zone, what we are, what we want and want to expect from workplace friendship by realizing our needs and intentions. Collogues can be irritatingly intrusive and perceptive in our personal lives as they spend most of time with us in the office. In most of cases, they will be knowing about us better than our spouses and closed ones. Until and unless we have someone with whom we can share and confide in our personal life’s details. We need to draw a line somewhere which is snug to us. In reality it is rare to get to someone who discreet ,supportive and helpful to our personal lives as margin of crossing the line is so thin.
Both can be interlinked too providing we are in an environment which is conducive and ideal for a professional to discuss and blend both relationships together. But, practically speaking, in reality it is very hard to get as it may not exist most of times. Even though it exists, there is always threat and probability of change of so-called conducive atmosphere.

Note--Comments are most welcome

Transformation within oneself


I remember reading a phrase of by miss universe 2005 pageant today saying that "One needs to step out of their comfort zone to experience the unexplored things in their lives”. That phrase registered in my mind deeply and I started wondering how true it can be after having started chatting with a valuable and intellectually articulate friend on the net a week back. If I hadn’t taken initiative of chatting with her, I wouldn’t have met such a charismatically poetic personality on the net. I want to let her know that I have been transformed, swayed by her personality to a great extent in short span of a week’s time.

Although she was typical of herself I started observing and noticing multi-faceted personalities of her day by day right from being cool, composed, modest, humble, considerate, blunt in approach, unintrusive, helpful in developing others to compete with her, disciplined, in freedom of being independent, in love with oneself, hungry for learning new things, and so an so forth.

But the kind of approach she adopted a few days back I was shocked The kind of coolness with which she said that she didn’t mind walking nude in her house when she was alone at home, was something atypical of a woman. But I had learnt that a woman can be more expressive and communicable than a man. This was the classic example of it. This is the reason why a woman was kept in enclosed place called home as housewife in older generations as she could carry herself in controlled and unexcited manner unlike a man by being more capable of doing anything on the earth .

She helped me set high standards in making friendship and expecting more than what I was expecting from a friend through out my chatting life in the right sense. As I went on and on chatting with her...I felt how I was chatting with everyone who initiated without being selective and demanding for my betterment.

Note-Comment of welcome!!!!